Sunday, November 06, 2005

Diana's atrology blog

Astrology is in some way the interpretation of the influence of heavenly bodies upon the destinies of men. This Diana has explained very well in one of her blogs. I was, as Diana is, very interested in this matter once; now, I just have some left knowledge of this and some good memories of my childhood.
Her exposition is good and very explicit. She talks in it about the existent relation between astrology and zodiacal signs and its connection with every single breathing thing in earth since ancient times. I just want to add that this relation provoked the assignation of Roman Gods’ names to the planets, at least the ones we know. They are Mercury (messenger of the Gods), Venus (spring, bloom and beauty goddess), Earth (Gaea, well this is actually ours), Mars (god of war), Jupiter (Zeus for Greeks), Uranus (Gaea’s husband), Neptune (god of the sea) and Pluto (god of the dead). And finally, I most not forget, as a Spanish spoken person, that our week days are dedicated to these planets, stars and moon: Lunes (Luna)-Monday (moon), Martes (Marte)-Tuesday (Mars), Miercoles (Mercurio)-Wednesday (Mercury), Jueves (Jupiter)-Thursday (Jupiter), Viernes (Venus)-Friday (Venus), Sabado (Saturno)-Saturday(Saturn). Yes, it’s quite complicated, that is why I’m going to shut up and leave you with your thoughts.


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