Sunday, November 27, 2005


Reproaching is never good when it is done with no reason. When this happen and you know you have done nothing to deserve it, your heart feels oppress. Oh God, how much I whish that the unjust censure stop! Live and let the others live. This is why there are so many people living apart, in total loneliness. Everybody say loneliness is the worst state, but I am sure that he or she who seems so distant have reason enough to do it. So, go away you, tyrant feeling! , let me be; let me commit my own mistakes; let me learn from them.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


This Monday we didn’t have classes, at least not English class because it was a workshop day. But don’t think that because of this our “free” time was spent doing nothing. The four members of my team, including me, met in the laboratory and following our professor advice we created four different links, one for each. The idea is to make the Introduction, a small Body and the Conclusions of the paper in one general page that also provides to the reader links to the specific parts (summary, bibliography, essay and article). We also decided to change the group name and now we should be called “Types of writing”.

Gleisy's blog

Caribbean food is a very spicy one and in almost every country of this tropical region the taste is similar. I know this because I am from Cuba. When I read Gleisy’s blog named “How to make Sancocho” I immediately thought in my grandmother; she was a specialist doing this kind of dish. Gley’s explanation of the recipe is very complete and easy to follow, even if the preparer comes from a different culture. The details provided by her are highly useful, but what I like the most is the small glossary written at the end of her paper. This make me think of her as a great cooker. I just hope to be invited someday to one of her Dominican food party.

Monday, November 14, 2005

creator's work

Today was a day of meetings and team work. My school mates and I went to our classroom very early and made a discussion about the English calss assingment. We organized ideas and made an algorithm to follow. Each one of us provided information about the theme. In my case, I dedicated the morning to the search of explanations for the different types of article writing that I posted before in our class page. Our work is not even near to its end but in my opinion is getting soul, and that is the most important part.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

A memory problem

It is somebody’s birthday today; I am sure of it, I just can’t remember whose. I hate this sensation and the worst part is that it happened to me constantly. But this is not the only kind of things I forget; names, homework, addresses, etc. are part of my memory problem. Taking Fitina? Yes I tried once, but I forgot to take the pills; well that didn’t work, right? So the only recourse that has left to me has been a pen and a piece of paper. Having to write every single thing down is a horrible job; I know what I am talking about. I just whish I could be a less distracted person. By the way, I am open to suggestions. :)

Mihee's very sincere blog

It is so difficult to find sincerity when you are looking for it…Yeah; I guess I am right; I don’t think that we all have the courage to express our feelings the way we should do it. I know it is not easy. That is why I felt highly impress when I opened my computer today and I read Mihee’s blog about her father’s birthday. In it she complains about the way she has been acting with her parents. She whishes she could do more for them and criticizes her self because of her selfishness. But I think she is totally wrong; just having the will-power of going to school everyday to achieve a better future makes her a completely winner and not a looser as she describes her self. I am not the right person to answer Mihee’s question (What can I do to make them happy?) but I think I can say this: Your success will be as yours as your parents. So, just go for it.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Diana's atrology blog

Astrology is in some way the interpretation of the influence of heavenly bodies upon the destinies of men. This Diana has explained very well in one of her blogs. I was, as Diana is, very interested in this matter once; now, I just have some left knowledge of this and some good memories of my childhood.
Her exposition is good and very explicit. She talks in it about the existent relation between astrology and zodiacal signs and its connection with every single breathing thing in earth since ancient times. I just want to add that this relation provoked the assignation of Roman Gods’ names to the planets, at least the ones we know. They are Mercury (messenger of the Gods), Venus (spring, bloom and beauty goddess), Earth (Gaea, well this is actually ours), Mars (god of war), Jupiter (Zeus for Greeks), Uranus (Gaea’s husband), Neptune (god of the sea) and Pluto (god of the dead). And finally, I most not forget, as a Spanish spoken person, that our week days are dedicated to these planets, stars and moon: Lunes (Luna)-Monday (moon), Martes (Marte)-Tuesday (Mars), Miercoles (Mercurio)-Wednesday (Mercury), Jueves (Jupiter)-Thursday (Jupiter), Viernes (Venus)-Friday (Venus), Sabado (Saturno)-Saturday(Saturn). Yes, it’s quite complicated, that is why I’m going to shut up and leave you with your thoughts.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Faith?, Hypocrisy?

“Sometimes the best view of God is from hell”. I heard this expression this morning and I really like it, so I have decided to dedicate my second blog of the day to it. I was born in a catholic family, in the middle of a communist country decorated with atheistic doctrines; yeah, the combination was fatal, I know. Anyway, that society made of me a sort of nonbeliever (in God) person; it made of me a Darwin follower, a woman of science. That feeling went on and on until four months after my 21st birthday, when a catastrophe came to rule and to ruin my life. I was devastated with almost no motivation. It was then that I comprehend that no man or science could help me in putting a stop to my suffering; so I directed my expectation to God, my only hope. Hypocrisy?, perhaps but is my belief that it is never late when the final objective is faith. Don’t you dare to ask me today who do I think helped me with my problem, God or destiny; I would never answer that question. But for everybody else, I recommend to have faith in something; life is hard when there is nothing to believe in, trust me.

Do you know how to write an article? Neither do I

Today I have to write about how to do an article; it is part of my new assignment. The problem is I don’t have the smallest idea of how to create one. But this is not something unsolvable; I guess that with a little of hard work, some study and with a very few hours of sleep the solution will be in my hands. Yes, I will be exhausted but there is nothing to do about it, this is my destiny. For now, I just have the definition of “article” (it is a literary composition forming an independent part of a publication) and many questions without answer. Not too much, right? Well, at least I have a reference point from where to start my paper. I just hope that with this work my knowledge of how to do one change for the best.