My last week History homework was to read about Aristotle. To tell the truth, I have never read anything about this philosopher, or at least about his life, until now. So I opened my History book expecting a world of boringness, but I was wrong, this man's existence was fascinating. That is why I have decided to post in here a little fragment of his biography.
Aristotle was born in Greece in the year of 384 B.C. His family was accommodated and his father was the doctor of King Philip of Macedonia, father of Alexander the Great, who later turn out to be Aristotle’s student for five years (isn’t that great?). Like his father, Aristotle went to medical school, but before finish it, decided to change the carrier and become a philosopher. He was Plato’s favorite disciple in The Academy for a long time (20 years), until they started to have irreconcilable differences. Plato theorized that life and everything else was in the mind, and Aristotle said that life was material. As a consequence of these discrepancies, Aristotle was expulsed from the Academy. He then found in Greece his own school, The Lyceum.
This brilliant man was good in almost everything he tried, he even wrote more than 150 books. His ability in Biology, Literature, Philosophy, and Mathematics and so on was superb, but his determining work was made in Politics, which was his particular contribution to humanity. Aristotle died in 322 B.C. at the age of 62, but his ideas have been traveling the world ever since.
All this has taught me one thing, and is never under estimate the value of the persons that had made the History of this world, because their ideas are the roots of ours today.